Why Elephant Poop Paper? The Surprising Sustainability Behind This Eco-Friendly Paper
While it might seem unusual at first, you'll be surprised to find out that there's gold in poo, as the waste produced by elephants can transform into a beautiful and sustainable wonder – enter POOPOOPAPER!
The concept of elephant poop paper is truly refreshing, thanks to its surprising sustainability. Our company, POOPOOPAPER, is dedicated to crafting unique paper products from organic recycled fibers found in animal dung, offering a better and more sustainable alternative to traditional paper production. Let's explore what it is, how it's made, how it can help our planet, and the question that you’re probably dying to ask – does it smell?
The Million-Dollar Question: What is Elephant Dung?
sustainable journal(s) Elephant dung is an organic waste matter which is a byproduct of the elephant’s digestive system. As it’s been studied for many years, it is found to be a great supplemental fertilizer – responsible for even building and growing an entire ecosystem. As elephant poop is further studied and considered nutrient-rich, experts have discovered more beneficial uses for it, such as biofuel, a mosquito repellant, and most recently, elephant poo paper!
What is Elephant Poop Paper?
Elephant poop paper is precisely what it sounds like – it’s basically paper crafted from the fibrous material found in elephant dung. Before you squirm or wrinkle your nose, let’s first set things straight. Elephant poo isn’t just waste. It’s mainly composed of digested plant matter–as elephants are primarily herbivores. Therefore, their waste contains a rich source of cellulose fibers, the key ingredient in traditional paper production.
Surely, you’ll ask if it’s truly made from elephant poop. The answer is a 100% yes. POOPOOPAPER extracts those valuable fibers from the dung and through a meticulous cleaning process, we can create a sustainable and beautiful paper product.
